Ghost Schooner - SOLD

This artwork was inspired by a visit to South West Tasmania where the schooner ‘Lourah’ was wrecked during a fierce storm in 1899. No lives were lost, and no remains of the schooner can be seen today, but the spirit of the doomed schooner can be sensed living on in the sea, caught forever in the liminal zone between worlds. The work is made from seaweed which was floating in the sea nearby.

Ghost Schooner was highly commended in the 2020 Maritime Art Awards.

Ghost Schoonerhandmade paper from marine macroalgae and ground charcoal51 x 70 cm (framed)SOLD

Ghost Schooner

handmade paper from marine macroalgae and ground charcoal

51 x 70 cm (framed)



Derwent Requiem


Lost At Sea - SOLD